I have liked the show for years, I watch it about once a month. I have picked
out a various number of little things that are different.
When the column of tanks followed by the Engineer Unit make thier way towards
Kelly, and the bunch. Oddball's pants are soaked with water, when he
dismounts his pants are dry.
When they enter the town, and they stop at the corner of the street. Kelly
splits, and Oddball hangs on to the barrell as he jumps down. The whole barrel
assembly bobs up and down. Must be some pretty loose bearings in that turret. (I
spent 8 yrs in a Canadian Armoured Unit in the 1970's)
At the end of the show, it showed the Panzer SS Commander jumping off his tank
to meet with "The Good, the bad, and the ugly" group. He later says
after he get's his share of the gold. We go now. Who is the "We" I
thought he was in the tank by himself, as now one else dismounted.
I have the understanding that Sherman's mounted 75mm guns, Oddball says it was a
I LUV this movie cuz it portrays the American soldier as he really is, a good
guy who isn't all glory and guts, but will fight and DIE, it shows what the
daily grind is like day in day out of complete sh**!!, my whole family is
either a veteran of WW2 or Vietnam so to me this movie just helps me picture
how they felt sometimes, and in the words of Big Joe "There's no action
here!!", and I can honestly saw many of my family said the same things when
the were serving
Just found your site after searching AltaVista. Definitely one of
the (actually #1 in my book) best every made, with others such as
Where Eagles Dare and Tora Tora Tora. I remember having a large
book on the making of war movies that had many interesting facts about
the movie. But, I haven't seen the book in years. The page were
about 2' by 1', spiral bound and had tons of pictures and background
Think your site is great and I look forward to checking out all of its
contents. Good luck with your site.
-Mike B.
Hello, I found your page looking for the "Burning Bridges" song of
GREAT film.. do you know where to find thid BEUTIFUL SONG ( if possible on
MP3) Big thanks and nice to meet you
I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I never thought I would find
another who was a big "Kelly's Heroes" fan! What a
relief! For a minute, I thought there was something
wrong with me. I loved your page. Hope to see more
on it.
This movie has it all, action, great characters, laughs, cool battles, and a unique story. What more do you need besides a big bowl of popcorn and some friends or family to watch it with. I am only sad that the movie was cut to its present length by MGM. Too bad someone did not save the lost items. Maybe Clint can give us some clues.
My boyfriend's favorite movie is Kelly's Heroes. Does anyone know
where I
can get him a poster? Thanks for your time. -Lori
Brilliant. Brilliant plot esp.. Both pro and anti-war, characters brilliant
in their absurdity e.g. a hippy in WW2!, and the way they behave e.g. Kelly
interrogates POW's by getting them drunk, Crapgame suggests a deal.
Cool actors e.g. Telly Savalas, Clint Eastwood, Donald Sutherland.
Immensely quotable, great soundtrack. Action scenes cleverly thought out;
makes you feel part of the plan. Large body count but still happy ending!
-Chris May
Yes, this is one of the greatest movies ever. Hard to believe it's over 35 years old! I own the VHS, DVD, and watch it from beginning to end every time it's on TV.;
-David Masters - Des Moines, IA
-Jimmy Buffett
Hello There was a German Bridge in place when they got there and they used
the German Bridge before it was damaged, the Tanks had gone across first.
The Engineers were repairing a German Pontoon Bridge. I imagine the attack
on that German bridge was part of the stuff that ended up on the cutting
room floor when the movie was being whittled down. Dave
I'm a big fan of KH. One of the most important and interesting things about
It's a Motha Beautiful site! WOOF WOOf! -Ted Smythson
All, Great
website, and thanks for maintaining it! This
movie ranks up there with my all-time favorites: Apocalypse Now,
Alien, Vanishing Point, Kelly’s Heroes. There is a small blurb
on Wikipedia about the Yugoslav T-34’s that were modified into
‘Tiger’ tanks. To
see how much detail went into this movie: After Oddball nails
Tiger 1 “in the arse!”, he pulls the I
wish DML/Dragon or Tamiya would come out with 1/35 figures of The
Heroes. They have Cross of Iron and some from Apocalypse Now. -Bill
Rick Hind
My most favorite movie, when it first
came out I stayed in the theater all day and watched it 4 times in a
row. Have it in VHS, and DVD. Richard
-Chris Moore
-M & M Gervasone
Greatest movie ever made and possibly the only right wing
critique of war.
I Love this movie. I thought I
was the only one. I know there were some inaccuracies but they
did so much detail in other areas that no other movies did,
Like the v-bottom German halftracks or the German Opel troop
trucks. Most movies use American surplus with German
insignias. It was definitely an all star cast and is as
quotable as a Monty Python movie.
saw Kelly's Heroes in theaters and even at the drive-in movies.
I guess I've seen it a hundred times including TV and tape and
DVD but reading Eric's comment with the quotes from those
characters brings a smile to my face all over again. Such a
great great movie! --Edward
in Chicago
Bellissimo film di guerra, in Italia s'intitola "I
guerrieri". I personaggi sono stupendi, dopo tutto sono fan
di Clint Eastwood...
fun movie who is change my life -Tanšek Dušan
----RWM 3
Thanks. Kelly's Heroes deserves its own Web site. A great,
has been and always will be one of my favorite movies. I can’t even begin
to guess how many times I’ve seen it. The 16 million splitting up to
$800,000 a man or so still sounds like a lot. I imagine it really must
have sounded like a fortune back when the film was first released.
I’ve always been touched by the end of the mine field scene when Big Joe
surreptitiously looks back to make sure the men still in the field are in
fact dead after he’s gruffly told the soldier who suggests they may be
only wounded to forget it because they’re dead. A tough guy who appears to
care very deeply about the men he’s responsible for.
-Eddie Smith
-Karin Anthony
In response to the comment/odds and ends of the movie (first entry at -Doug Loehr
M4 verses Tiger 1 (panzer MKVI), You’re
correct about a M1 Sherman tank not being able to take out a
Tiger, however, the most vulnerable spot of a Tiger Tank was its
rear-end, and in the movie, this is the spot at which the Sherman
directed its shell. This is plausible in real-life. -Scott D. Johnson
*************************************************************************************************** Definitely my favorite WW2 film, and it was
the best performance I have seen from Telly
Savalas and Don
Rickles. Hilarious but with a couple of melancholy
moments to remind you that it is WW2. My favorite quotes are
both from Telly, first where he mocks Little
Joe when he says "We ain't got no booze", and
secondly when Kelly tells Big Joe that the bridge thought to be
destroyed has been rebuilt by the Germans,
and Big Joe says "Do you think the Germans would mind if we
crossed their little bridge, huh Kelly?". Stangely
enough, this movie has become a Christmas
tradition with my father and brother and I. One Christmas
about 6 years ago, after we opened presents, we decided to pass
the time before lunch and pulled out some old films we hadn't seen
in a while. Kelly's
Heroes was one that we all loved, so we watched it, and
it's been a ritual ever since. My parents house is the
meeting place for extended
family at Christmas, so imagine the confusion when people
walk in and hear 50 calibers and German 88s going off. Well,
maybe they're used to it by now.
*************************************************************************************************** --Ouray Manchester England
it is great that I am given the chance to comment on one of
the funniest movies I have ever seen. From start to
finish this movie is gut busting. One of my favorite
scenes is in the beginning when cowboy is talking about
having to take the guns they just cleaned outside in the
rain. Being in the military myself I laugh how the
American soldier is portrayed because it is so true.
What a start studded cast, that did an outstanding job, and
I hope Sincerely
Christ LCDR
may have been the first DVD I bought. I wore out my VHS
copy that was recorded off of channel 29 or 17 in Philly.
It seemed like they would show that movie every month in
the early 80’s. Thanks
for the site. -Dave
*********************************************************************************** Hello,
Does anyone know what happened to Brian Hutton's cut.
A number of
Here's a picture of Gen.
Colts HQ in 2006, -Chris
As everyone else on this page, I too am an extreme
fan of Kelly's Heroes.
*************************************************************************************************** Hi,
-Mr Marguerite Tarasovitch
Why is it I have never heard Clint Eastwood, Donald Sutherland or Don
Rickles ever talk about the film?
Dear One and All-
*************************************************************************************************** Hi John Landis,
*************************************************************************************************** I remember seeing this movie in the theatre as an 11
yr old. Several years ago, I downloaded the MP3 as
I always loved the Mike Curb Congregation "burning
bridges" song. And to this day when someone
comments on an unpleasant smell, I always sarcastically
reply "kinda makes you homesick, don't it?"
Most people don't realize its a movie quote, Great
website, best of luck.
Heroes to be released June 1 on Blue Ray!!! This will
be a 2 film package with the other film Where Eagles Dare.
Many early reviews so far say very good video quality. -Chris Moore
I went downtown to the beautiful old Paramount
Theater. It was Sunday night which meant "Sneak Preview" time! I
don't remember what the first movie was but KELLY'S HEROES was the
"sneak". What a great show. I've never been the same since. It was
28 June 1970. A memorable evening.
-R. W. Keith, Amarillo
One of my favorite
Clint Eastwood movies and my Favorite World War ll movie. Nice site. Live
and be well, Dunson out
-Boyd D. Dunson
This is the moment we Kelly's Heroes fans have been waiting for:
interesting to see what our heroes did with their gold, either individually
or collectively. Personally, I think a latter day look at the retirement
years of Kelly, Oddball, Crapgame, Moriarty et al, Colonel Dankhopf, and of
course the panzer sergeant played to perfection by Karl-Otto Alberty, would
make a hoot of a film.
-SE Beare
9-24-11 After watching Kelly's heroes for the
umpteenth million time, I became curious as to the movies
behind the scenes details and started an Internet
search. Lo and behold I find your website. Reading everyone
else's comments (I haven't been able to read them all yet,
there are so many) is quite refreshing. Thank you for this website. Dale Weatherly SV 'Moxie'
you have any more pictures of the water wells in the town
square from Kelly’s Heroes? I noticed the nice iron
work over the wells and wondered if you have a picture of
the iron from the front. Thanks
I went to the Drive In Theater with
some friends to see Kellys Heros in 1971 on a Friday
nite..Went back again Saturday nite with some different
friends and watched it again..We all loved the movie..I was
18 years young at the time,just got a 1966 Red Mustang GT
fastback..That’s the car we saw the movie in..Those were
the DAYS..My grandson is 9 years old now and he watch’s
Kellys Hero about every week..He loves Oddball.. -Rick Gates in Ohio
Hello, -Jim Foanio
loved this movie from the first time I saw it. Can
anyone tell me how or why director Brian Hutton chose
"Burning Bridges" for this movie? It's a great
song & The Mike Curb Congregation has an unmistakable
sound of their own. I'm
just wondering because the song doesn't have any connection
to the military, war or combat. -Thanks,
One of my favorite movies of all time. I know a lot
was cut. However, the one thing that always bothered
me was the casual mentioning of the other 2 tank crews being
lost when crossing the river. Oddball just says
"oh man, they've had it" like he barely knew
them. Those other crews got a lot of air time when
destroying the railway center and then they are just sort of
written out of the movie. I'm wondering if anyone
knows from the original cut if they address what happened to
those guys or are we not supposed to care if they got
killed? Oddball, Moriarity, and the Turk certainly
don't seem to care.
thought, Steve! So much more of this movie was probably
filmed that we never got to see. For myself I'm just going
to assume that the tank other crews escaped their destroyed
tanks and made it back to friendly lines. After the war
Oddball found them and gave them a share of the gold. What
a great movie. One of the greatest of all time! -Jim
Stupid question, but how did the tanks play recorded music in the railway
scene? Pretty sure they didn't have tape decks in 1945!
It's a Hollywood film just enjoy it watch a
documentary for better info
-Louise Nicholson
Send your comments about KELLY'S HEROES We regret the loss of
more than 300 comments in the great hard drive crash of '99.
I have enjoyed watching Kelly'e Heroes ever since the
early 1970's when it was released. I watched it again
today, and still am confused with one section. There
is one part of the story that I have never understood.
I am hoping someone can help me with this.
Oddball, watching in binoculars, sees the bridge
across a river get bombed, then must get the band to
come build a new bridge for him. After the band bridge
builders arrive, Carrol O'Connor is listening in on
the conversation. At this time, it seems that Oddball,
Kelly, and all his regulars are already on the other
side of the river. How did Oddball get his tank across
if none of the other tanks and trucks were able to?
The others still had several hours of bridge building
in order to get across, but somehow, Oddball had
crossed. If he could have crossed, why did he even
involve the bridge builders at all?
Thank you for any help you can give me.
this film that also makes it a cut above most War films is the facts of
soldiering. A lot of soldiering is either boring stuff done on your own and
that's rarely shown on film because there's nothin' happening, or in the
movies it's gung ho individualism. KH is a team project because it shows
lots of teams in action from top to bottom not always working on the same
project since K's team is on a mission of its own.
Whether it's comms or bridge building or gold hunting (we're all in this
together) or black market stores people or even R&R, the hero is the
and the team wins and even the team of the enemy wins (the tank group we
never see). This is a film that repays careful analysis for those who are
into that (which I am). It's a pity that we don't have a DVD with very many
special features and interviews and stuff. C'est la vie.
The fact that there is a fan site which I've just discovered is brill.
Oddball: It's a beautiful tank.
Moriarity:'s a piece a junk! The fuel system leaks over the
place. IT'S A PIECE AH JUNK!!!
Oddball: Always with the negative waves Moriatity always with the Negative
Executive Director of Marketing
Miracle Restaurant Group
Original Lady Killers came close but
film that works on a couple of different levels. Oddball and
his crew
are especially great, as is the soundtrack.
-Dan Churney
the top of the comment page), all I can say is he/her has watched the
movie at least as many times as I have. I first saw the movie in 1970
in the theater. Back then you could stay in your seat and watch the
movie as many times as it was shown on that particular day as long as
you didn't leave the building— and for me it was four times. I
returned the next day and watched it four more times.
I too have watched this movie so many times that I can almost repeat
the actors lines throughout the movie. I wore out two copies of it in
VHS and I am on my second copy of it one DVD (can't wait for the hi-
def or blue ray version to come out) Saving Private Ryan and Band of
Brothers are the closest I've seen in using the right enemy vehicles
(Tiger tanks, half-tracks, MG 42's, and even the right German
uniforms — brown/green infantry uniforms and black for tank soldiers
and the SS). But of course, 1970 was only 25 years after the war in
Europe ended. Today much of the equipment, guns, vehicles must be
fabricated for the film.
Differences I have also observed:
° The viewer mentioned that the tank's gun barrel wobbles as Oddball
gets off the tank. That could have been because the tank crew always
put a fake barrel over the 76 MM cannon to make the enemy wonder if
it wasn't actually an 88 MM cannon. (76 MM was the size gun used in
Sherman tanks, so the movie makers got it right, (not 75 MM)).
° The viewer also mentioned that the German sgt. was the only
person to exit the Tiger tank. That is common as the sgt. was the
tank commander and therefore should be the only person to exit the tank.
° I have always wondered, why does the German tank commander shot a
hole through the bank's door when, knowing the power of a German 88
MM shell would have probably leveled the bank? So, why blow a hole
through the door when they could just as easily drive the tank to the
front door and knock it down without firing a shot (just drive right
through it!)
° How in the hell did Dean Stanton's character get the crabs when
none of the platoon had been with a girl for months (as Telly
Savalas' character explains to the captain early in the movie) ?
-Matthew Shockley
Just to say like many others that this movie is one of
the best of Clint Eastwood and the best 2nd WW movie I
have ever seen
specially for their realistic military forniture and for
the characters (oddball was the best tank crew I'd ever
I was born in 1969 and the first time I seen this movie
was at TV, black & White when I was a child and when
DVD era became was one of the first moviea that I got.
I simply can not resist seen that bunch of funny
bastards fighting for their fortune, it was awesome,
Clint leading that gang to be rich!!!
...and finally buying the loyalty of the german tiger
tank!! just terrific!!!
Congratulations and Thanks for this page.
Carlos Javier Gargurevich Escudero
Centro de Informática de la UP
2190100 - anexo 2212
Lima, PERU
sorry for my bad english, my mother language is spanish.
movies in the past have been re released on dvd with the
cut. Considering strong following of this film and its
age, it may be
economically viable to release Hutton's version of the
film. Biggest
question is who owns the rights.... MGM who is nearly
kaput business
wise or Time Warner ? Sony may have stake also.
Thoughts ?
Oh yea, and its about a bank robbery. With
I own the Clint Eastwood's collection DVD. Their
film remastering, both audio and visual, is amazing.
So clear, each frame looks like a publicity
still. Hats off to that production.
I agree with Rob. I too wish to know who has the
production archives and rights to this picture.
You guys have inspired me:
- Steve KH Fan
My contribution to the Kelly's Heroes fans is
converting Kelly's Heroes into a game. Now you
can PLAY Kelly's Heroes in 15mm or 28mm miniatures.
Just did some research and got a lot of similar
opinions that the Blu
Ray version will be released sometime this year. If
anyone gets more
detailed info please post, I will also. Aside from
the excellent
picture quality I hope there may be some additional
features included.
PS, Saving Private Ryan is confirmed for release in
2010. Thanks,
-Chris Moore
"Kelly's Heroes" was such a part of my life, you may never believe
how, or HOW MUCH.
I was engaged to, and in love with the ex-wife of the movie's Line
Producer (who had a falling out with MGM and isn't in the credits)
from 1981 until she had a ...."problem" with a Lithium imbalance
and left me in
February, 1985.
I won't go into personal details, since it wouldn't be fair to
"George," or his ex-wife, and my love, "Joanie."
I learned so much about that movie, the stars, the locations, the
people, the 'quirks' each star had.
I saw all the photos dedicated to "Joanie," all the notes, the
calls to my house from some of the movie's stars.
I think I'm the "Number One Fan" of the movie for MANY reasons,
the main reason was "Joanie." I loved her THEN, and I love her
to this day. I don't know where she is, but I hope she's happy.
Her son "John" lived with us for awhile. He married a girl I
introduced him to. "George" came to my house in order to attend
"Johnny's" wedding.
Even though they divorced in 1971 (and Don Rickles called "George"
"S.O.B." for letting "Joanie" get away),
"George" and "Joanie' kept
in touch and used to FIGHT with each other on the phone- from my house
("Joanie" lived with me) to "George's" house near Loas
Angeles. I think they still loved each other.
After "Joanie" left ME, it was years before i could watch
Heroes." I STILL well up with tears when I watch the movie and
"Burning Bridges."
So, my place as a "Number One Fan" of the movie came with a huge
price- a DEEPLY broken heart. I have dreams of "Joanie" too often-
the last one was last night.
I guess some people stay with you even AFTER they leave.
Thank you all for reading this.
A huge article about our favorite move Kelly's Heroes.
Cinema Retros has published an 80 page magazine dedicated to the making of
and stars of Kelly's Heroes. I have read this article and it covers
about every aspect of the movie, from the script & novelization to
in Yugoslavia to interviews with stars and crew (even Landis). its a
HAVE for KH Fans.
However, this is a limited run issue for July 2011. After it is sold
you will only be able to get it on e-bay.!.html
I am in no way associated with this issue, but I'm letting all fans know
about it because you'll regret it if you miss out.
- John Paul
Just received my copy quickly of the Cinema Retro magazine dedicated to KH's. Simply awesome detail, unseen pictues, deleted scenes, interviews etc. Well worth the $14.95. This is a must have for the serious KH fan.
I have been trying to find info on the closing of the movie ever since it came out.
When I first saw it, I stayed to the end of the credits and saw that they guys in the truck came up to some MP's and were asked what's in the truck.
Giving the idea that they were caught.
Since then I have not been able to find anything.
Do you have any info about this?