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(photos are not in chronological order)

Sandra A-Go-Go

Sandra at DiscoDriver May 8, 1976

Donna K. Faucett

Karen Carter

Jeri Dyson

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Nancy Barrett


Sara Loe's 18th


Nancy and Deanna Wills

Laura in Canyon


..................undoubtedly the one and only Rick Ortega



Lynn Tillotson and Rodney Weaver

Janet from Liberal, KS



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Stephanie Jeandron


Diana and Melba

Z-93's W. J. Fairchild circa 1978

Nancy Wills, Ron Chase, Deanna Wills

Light Man, Fog Man Steve Perry


Blair Schaffer presents Jeff MacMillian his 100th DANCE Certificate

Charla Driver and Steve Russell dancing in The Palisades (1976)


Angel Lewellyn and Duzie McLaughlin

Rick Ortega and Lynn Tillotson

Kara Guthrie and Rick Ortega

Rodney Weaver and Billy Phillips


Pampa Pool Party

Clarendon College Toga Party



Find the bunny


David Johnson with the overhead rigging

Frank Johnson and friend

Lynn Tillotson and Rodney Weaver

Rodney, Lynn, and Billy Phillips

Rodney Weaver


The flash pots erxplode at a dance in 1977

Jim Long's 100 DANCES Certificate

Stanton High School Prom at the Hilton in Midland

Jamie Wooten

Borger Youth Center  (1980)

Chronocontrol 1981

Charla Driver writes in light


Beckie McLaughlin Borger (1972)



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All photos are the property of Ronn Wood, AmaChron, PhotoChron, and associated enterprises © copyright 2017 


Z-93 came to an end September 15, 2000

November 24, 1976 - September 15, 2000


"It is the doom of man that he forgets."



to the AIRPORT HILTON INN. The sprawling hotel which opened in 1973 with a huge activities area and pool under the main roof was demolished in early 2014. AmaChron did 104 dances in The Hilton's Ballroom and Rainbow Room including the dinner theater. The hotel located at I-40 and Lakeside Dr (Loop 335) went by several names in its last years before being leveled for future development.

[newspaper ad circa 1973]


Keith Adams (1940 -2015)

Keith Adams, co-owner and General Manager of Amarillo's Z-93 STEREO FM,

died Saturday November 21, 2015. He was 75.

He was the Mayor of Amarillo 1989 - 1993.

(Z-93 was founded by Ron Chase November 24, 1976)


Copyright ©1970-2023


More to come.

Over 25,000 photos have been taken at AmaChron dances.


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